Tips and Tricks

This is kind of my list of tips and tricks I've found, some might be from other websites, but most are my own making! Please note that not all of them will work for you, and might not be suitable for you! If you have any suggestions to add here, send me a DM on twitter or discord!

  • Don't be too harsh on yourself if you overeat or gain; it'll lead to binging
  • OMADing is one my favourite ways to restrict! I skip breakfast since I usually have to leave the house right away for band in the morning, and I don't eat in school unless it is a band party, or a D&D session where people have brought snacks. I eat dinner with my family, as I'm forced to
  • With OMADing, if you end up eating another meal, you can burn it off. But do avoid it if you can
  • Some of the best low calorie snacks are usually listed as protein bars or similar in the health aisle in the shopping market
  • If you are going to get food from the health aisle, try to budget for it, as the cost can rack up really quickly
  • Playing a musical instrument does burn calories, especially if you stand up. It doesn't burn too much, but is definitely a good way to lose those couple calories you overate
  • With burning calories while practicing music, more physical instruments such as drumming and percussion burns more than playing clarinet, for example
  • While participating in HPE is pretty well, boring and annoying, you can excercise and burn a lot then! My HPE class goes for 75 minutes twice a week, and I always participate. It's also a good time to hang out and muck about with friends!